Health Benefits Of Gravel Root
by Legend Bourne DC
Gravel root is extracted from the gravel plant, also known as Eupatorium purpureum. Medicine is made from the bulb, root, and other portions that grow above ground. It has been used for centuries in traditional Native American medicine, which is believed to be effective for treating certain conditions by reducing inflammation.
The herbal medicine practitioners claim it can aid in the treatment of kidney stones. Native American Indians traditionally used it as an antilithic (kidney stone-dissolving) to soften and dissolve kidney stones and help pass debris. The herb is also said to reduce the size of kidney stones.
Uses of Gravel Root
Since the gallbladder is often affected by gallstones, you can use gravel root to treat gallstones. They are not stones but crystalline deposits formed from excess substances in bile and can range in size from small to large. The crystals will require surgery if left untreated. However, when you take Gravel root, it will help to dissolve gallstones and prevent new ones from forming.
Also, besides having natural diuretic properties, gravel root also has an astringent effect on the urinary system. The benefits include toning and stimulating the pelvic and mucous membranes. This herb can also relieve pain associated with dysuria, urinary tract, and bladder problems.
Having excessive uric acid in the joints can cause gout and arthritis. Gravel root antilithic properties and the ability to support the cleansing of the kidneys make it useful in the systemic treatment of gout and rheumatism. Its ability to bring minerals into and out of a solution makes it effective for removing deposits from joints hence treating gout and other joint problems.
As you can see, Gravel root is a very popular folk remedy to treat conditions associated with the kidneys and bladder. These include water retention, edema, and irritable bladder.